Event Updates

Register for CMS Astro 2022 on Eventbrite.

10 May 2022


Special thanks to all those who have nominated speakers for this CMS Astro 2022. A preliminary Speakers page is now online.

We will be hosting two Coffee Chat sessions during CMS Astro week.


Tuesday, May 17th at 8:00 AM PT (California)
Coffee Session #1

Wednesday, May 18th at 12:00 Noon PT (California)
Coffee Session #2


During these scheduled times, feel free to drop in and say hi to fellow cell ag x space enthusiasts.


CMS Astro Team


24 April 2022

We have a great lineup for CMS Astro that we will be announcing this week.

Please note that the event dates have been rescheduled to the week of May 16th. All programming will be accessible on-demand.

Stay tuned for additional information and communication coming this week via email and on the official CMS Astro website.

Best regards,

Alex Shirazi and the CMS Astro Team

